The Art of a 360 Deal: Understanding an Entertainment Contract
Stone and Sallus February 9, 2016
360 Deal Defined A 360 contract, also known as a multiple rights agreement, is an approach from the record companies that encompasses more of an artist’s output than the recorded music. Using this approach, record companies are able to participate in…

Homeowners Options When Facing Foreclosure- Save Your Home
Stone and Sallus January 6, 2016
In challenging economic times, money can be tight. So tight, in fact, that many homeowners are unable to make their monthly mortgage payments. As payments mount, this may lead to default under the loan obligation.

Employment Alert: EEOC To Require Companies To Disclose Pay By Gender
Stone and Sallus December 16, 2015
As of 2016, The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) and the Obama administration announced a proposed revision to the Employer Information Report (“EEO-1”) that the agency says will assist in identifying possible instances of pay discrimination and help employers promote…